Free Personality Test Online. What's My Personality Type?

Answer only to 32 questions and get your character type
This is an easy go. You can learn about yourself in just 32 questions. All you have to do is to answer 32 questions and learn your personality type. The more you know yourself, the more you will discover the boundless and limitless opportunities waiting for you.
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Personality test

1. I would rather go to a social event than read an interesting book or play a video game
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
2. Winning a debate matters less to me than making sure no one gets upset
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
3. Relying on memory is better than making a list
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
4. I often find myself lost in thought when I am walking in nature
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
5. Having a to-do list is more important than keeping my options open
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
6. I like to be in front of many people
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
7. If my friend is sad about something, I am more likely to offer emotional support than suggest ways to deal with the problem
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
8. I am more a careful planner than a natural improviser
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
9. I am a relatively reserved and quiet person
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
10. I believe that it is more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
11. I would rather solve a new, complicated problem than work on something I have done before
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
12. I would rather work for a boss who is full of new ideas than a boss who is practical
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
13. I like to be alone
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
14. I consider myself more practical than creative
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
15. I prefer to work alone than to work with people
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
16. I like being the center of attention
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
17. When discussing a problem with colleagues, it is easy for me to see the "big picture"
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
18. Experience is better than wisdom
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
19. I would call myself a dreamer
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
20. I am more excited about the result than I am about the process
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
21. It's easier for me to understand a person than to feel it
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
22. I often get so lost in thought that I ignore or forget my surroundings
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
23. I care too much about what other people think of me
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
24. I often take initiative in social situations
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
25. I usually don't initiate conversation
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
26. Being able to develop a plan and stick to it is the most important part of every project
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
27. Logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
28. The nature of my work is more methodical and organized than intermittent energy spikes
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
29. Usually I am tired and not highly motivated
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
30. My home and work environments are usually untidy
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
31. My travels are usually improvised and not well planned
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
32. My mood doesn't change very quickly
Maybe (50%)
No (0%)
Yes (100%)
Disclamer - The most important things you should know about this test. This is not an MBTI test, it is not a copy of 16 personalities test. This test was not made by professionals and psychologists. This personality test was developed by one person interested in personality types, reading a lot of material in various sources and examining other tests. Questions are not stealing from other tests, they were suggested / translated and corrected by other people from the MBTI groups on reddit and Facebook social networks. Another very important thing that you are recommended to take into consideration is the developer of this test - you can not have one personality type, so that you will behave differently in different states and environments. Try to make sure of yourself - take the test when you are resting, tired, well-sleepy, angry and entertaining. Be open and honest to yourself, answer questions without thinking about the outcome. Often people get their results and fictitiously answer questions to get that type.
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Fast accurate free personality test online. Answer 32 simply questions and see what your personality type is. It's similar to the MBTI. Are you Introvert or Extrovert?