ISFP Weaknesses

ISFP Weaknesses

Fiercely Independent - Freedom of expression is often ISFPs' top priority. Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for ISFP personalities. This can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge.

Unpredictable - ISFPs' dislike long-term commitments and plans. The tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in ISFPs' romantic relationships and financial hardship later in life.

Easily Stressed - ISFPs live in the present, full of emotion. When situations get out of control, people with this personality type (especially Turbulent ones) can shut down, losing their characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth.

Overly Competitive - ISFPs can escalate small things into intense competitions, turning down long-term success in their search for glory in the moment, and are unhappy when they lose.

Fluctuating Self-Esteem - It's demanded that skills be quantified, but that's hard to do with ISFPs' strengths of sensitivity and artistry. ISFPs' efforts are often dismissed, a hurtful and damaging blow, especially early in life. ISFPs can start to believe the naysayers without strong support.