ENTP Weaknesses
ENTP Weaknesses
Very Argumentative - If there's anything ENTPs enjoy, it's the mental exercise of debating an idea, and nothing is sacred. More consensus-oriented personality types rarely appreciate the vigor with which ENTP personalities tear down their beliefs and methods, leading to a great deal of tension.
Insensitive - Being so rational, ENTPs often misjudge others feelings and push their debates well past others' tolerance levels. People with this personality type don't really consider emotional points to be valid in such debates either, which magnifies the issue tremendously.
Intolerant - Unless people are able to back up their ideas in a round of mental sparring, ENTPs are likely to dismiss not just the ideas but the people themselves. Either a suggestion can stand up to rational scrutiny or it's not worth bothering with.
Can Find It Difficult to Focus - The same flexibility that allows ENTPs to come up with such original plans and ideas makes them readapt perfectly good ones far too often, or to even drop them entirely as the initial excitement wanes and newer thoughts come along. Boredom comes too easily for ENTPs, and fresh thoughts are the solution, though not always a helpful one.
Dislike Practical Matters - ENTPs are interested in what could be – malleable concepts like ideas and plans that can be adapted and debated. When it comes to hard details and day-to-day execution where creative flair isn't just unnecessary but actually counter-productive, ENTP personalities lose interest, often with the consequence of their plans never seeing the light of day.